Nolan, C. Y.; And Others
American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, Ky,
Dept, of Educational Research, 1971 12p.
1830 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville. Ky. 40206
The bibliography of research on braille consists of approximately 130 entries consisting of journal articles, conference reports, books, doctoral dissertations, master's theses, German publications, Japanese publications, and unpublished reports. Publication dates range from 1907 to the present, with a fairly even distribution throughout that period. (CB)
American Association of Workers for the Blind, Uniform Type Committee. Report of the ... In American Association of Workers for the Blind, Report of the ninth general convention of the ... Cambridge, Mass.: Outlook for the Blind, 1907. Pp 66-74. [Also in Outlook for the Blind, 1908, 1, 154-162.]
American Association of Workers for the Blind, Uniform Type Committee. Report of the ... In American Association of Workers for the Blind, ... tenth convention. Columbus, 0H, American Association of Workers for the Blind, 1909. Pp. 59-67. [Also in Outlook for the Blind, 1910, 4, 73-81.]
American Association of Workers for the Blind, Uniform Type Committee. Report of the ... In American Association of Workers for the Blind, ... eleventh convention. Philadelphia, Pa.: American Association of Workers for the Blind, 1911. Pp. 1-12. (Appendix) [Also in Outlook for the Blind, 1912, 5, 1-12. (Reprint)]
American Association of Workers for the Blind, Uniform Type Committee of the American Association of Workers for the Blind. Fourth biennial report. Outlook for the Blind, 1913, 7, 1-48. [Reprint)
American Association of Workers for the Blind, Uniform Type Committee of the American Association of Workers for the Blind. Fifth biennial report. Berkeley, Calif.: Convention of Workers for the Blind, 1915. [Also in Outlook for the Blind, 1915, 9, 1-92. (Reprint)]
American Foundation for the Blind, Report of proceedings of conference on research needs in braille. New York: Author, l961.
Ashcroft, S. C. The IBM braille reader field test. Unpublished progress report, George Peabody College for Teachers, 1959.
Ashcroft, S. C, Errors in oral reading of braille at elementary grade levels. Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois, 1960
Athearn, C. R,, Campbell, (Mrs.) H, & Lavos, G. The improvement of reading in a school for the blind. New York Institute for the Education of Blind, 1944, No. 10.
Barraga, N. C. Mode of reading for low-vision students. International Journal for the Education of the Blind, 1963, 12, 103-107.
Berger, A., & Kautz, C. The Braille Informal Reading Inventory: Implications for the teacher, New Outlook for the Blind, 1968, 62, 153-158.
Bleiberg, R. Is there a need for a specially designed reading series for beginning blind readers? New Outlook for the Blind, 1970, 64, 135-138.
Brodlie, J, F., & Burke, J. Perceptual learning disabilities in blind children. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1971, 32, 313-314.
Burklen, K., Touch reading of the blind. New York: American Foundation for the Blind, 1932,
Burns, B. K. A comparative study of the visual and tactual learning of braille. Master's thesis, Wittenberg College, 1944.
Calvin, J. S., & Clark, J. Influence of type characteristics on braille reading. Unpublished manuscript, American Printing House for the Blind, 1958.
Carter, B., & Haskell, M. R. The development of basic research materials and a manual on the use of recorded textbooks. Unpublished manuscript. Recording for the Blind, 1961.
Cline, C. S., & Cardinale, J. Braille reading; a review of research. Education of the Visually Handicapped, 1971, 3, 7-10.
Doriaswamy, C. An analysis of reading difficulties among the blind children in primary grades. Master's thesis, Boston University, 1934,
Eatman, P. F. An analytic study of braille reading. Doctoral dissertation, University of Texas, 1942.
Ethington, D. The readability of braille as a function of three spacing variables. Master's thesis, University of Kentucky, 1956.
Fertsch, P. An experimental study of the silent reading habits of blind children. Master's thesis. University of Texas, 1932.
Fertsch, P. An analysis of braille reading. Outlook for the Blind. 1946, 40, 128-131.
Fertsch, P. Hand dominance in reading braille. American Journal of Psychology, 1947, 60, 335-349.
Flanigan, P. J. Programmed learning and braille instruction for functional braille readers. In American Association of Instructors of the Blind, Proceedings of the 47th meeting. Watertown, Mass.: American Association of Instructors of the Blind, 1964. Pp, 10-16.
Flanigan, P. J. Programmed learning and braille instruction for functional braille readers. Doctoral dissertation. University of Wisconsin, 1965
Flanigan, P. J. Automated training and braille reading. New Outlook for the Blind, 1966, 60, 141-146.
Flanigan, P. J., & Joslin, E. S. Patterns of response in the perception of braille configurations. New Outlook for the Blind. 1969, 63, 232-244.
Ford, C. G. A comparison of the progress in the first grade of blind children with and without braille kindergarten training. Master's thesis, Chicago Teachers College, 1956-1957.
Foulke, E. Transfer of a complex perceptual skill. Perceptual & Motor Skills. 1964, 18, 733-740.
Foulke, E., Amster, C. H., Nolan, C. Y., & Bixler, R. H. The comprehension of rapid speech by the blind. Exceptional Children., 1962, 29, 134-141.
Foulke, E., & Warm, J. The development of an expanded reading code for the blind. Louisville, Ky.: University of Louisville, 1968. (University of Louisville Public Information, 8-2-68 —9972) (United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; Office of Education; Bureau of Research; Project No. 3104; Grant No. 0E-6-10-035)
Funchess, L. V. The psychology of reading braille with eight fingers. Master’s thesis, Louisiana State University, 1934.
George, R. A comparison of the oral reading of blind and sighted children. Specialist in education thesis, George Peabody College for Teachers, 1961.
Goldish, L. H. Braille in the United States: Its production, distribution, and use. New York: American foundation for the Blind 1967
Graham, M. D. Psychosocial research and braille: The need for a program of research and development. American Foundation for the Blind, Research Bulletin, 1962, No. 2, 94-114.
Grasemann, P. An investigation on the reading of the blind. In K. Burklen, Touch reading of the blind. New York: American Foundation for the Blind, 1932. Fp. 57-62.
Grunwald, G. M. Prospects for utilization of compositor's tape in the production of braille. Argonne, Ill.: Argonne National Laboratory, 1971. [OEG-0-9-0801 44-4280(032)]
Guterman, S. S. Social isolation, activeness and leisure reading among the blind. Social Science & Medicin e, 1970, 3, 349-361.
Hanley, L. F. A brief review of the research on braille reading. International Journal for the Education of the Blind, 1961, 10, 65-70.
Hanley, L. F. The construction of an individual diagnostic test of braille perceptual skills. Doctoral dissertation, Boston University, 1965.
Hanley, L. F. A diagnostic test of grade 2 braille misperceptions: A pilot study. Boston: Boston University (College Reading Center), 1965. (Research Grant No. 1383-S; U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; Vocational Rehabilitation Administration)
Harley, R. K. Comparison of several approaches for teaching braille reading to blind children: Final report. Nashville, Tenn.: George Peabody College for Teachers, 1969. (Project No. 6-29750, Grant No. 2-7-002975-0453)
Harley, R. K., & Rawls, R. Comparison of several approaches for teaching braille reading to blind children. Education of the Visually Handicapped, 1970, 2, 47-51.
Harley, R. K., & Rawls, R F, Comparison of several approaches for teaching braille reading to blind children; American Foundation for the Blind, Research Bulletin, 1971, No. 23, 63-91.
Hayes, S. P. Report of a preliminary test of the reading of the pupils of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind at Overbrook, PA, April, 1917, Outlook for the Blind, 1918, 12, 1-20. (Reprint)
Hayes, S. P. The work of the department of psychological research at the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind, Overbrook. Outlook for the Blind, 1920, 14, 5-20.
Heber, R., Long, R., & Flanigan, P. A study of programmed Instruction in braille, Madison. Wise.: University of Wisconsin and Janesville, WI: Wisconsin School for the Visually Handicapped, 1967.
Heger, F. E, The comparative roles of braille and the talking book in the adult lives of a group of former braille students. Doctoral dissertation. University of Michigan, 1963.
Heinrichs, R. W., & Moorhouse, J. A. Touch-perception thresholds in blind diabetic subjects in relation to the reading of braille type. New England Journal of Medicine, 1969, 280, 72-75,
Henderson, F. The rate of braille character recognition as a function of the reading process. In American Association of Instructors of the Blind, 48th biennial conference. Washington, D, C,: American Association of Instructors of the Blind, 1966. Pp. 7-10.
Henderson, F. M. The effect of character recognition training on braille reading. Specialist in education thesis, George Peabody College for Teachers, 1967.
Hermelin, B., & O'Connor, N, Right and left handed reading of braille. Nature, 1971, 231, 470,
Hoffman, P. M,, & Cook, J, G, Design for introducing reading in braille to multi-impaired visually-handicapped children. Master's thesis. University of Texas at Austin, 1970,
Holland, B. F. Speed and pressure factors in braille reading. Teachers, Forum, 1934, 7, 13-17,
Holland, B, F., & Eatman, P. F., Silent reading habits of blind children. Teachers Forum, 1933, 6, 4-11, 19.
Hooper, M. S. Braille contractions and childrsn's vocabularies a statistical study In American Association of Instructors of the Blind, Proceedings of the 38th stated meeting of the ... Philadelphia, Pa.: Lyon & Armor, 1946. Pp. 18-41.
Irwin R. B. & Wilcox, R. E. A comparative study of braille grade one and a half and braille grade two. New York: American Foundation for the Blind, 1929.
Jones, J. W. Blind children degree of vision mode of reading. Washington, D. C.: US6P0, 1951. (0E-35026)
Josephson, E. Some insights concerning reading problems as reflected in AFB leisure activity study. In American Foundation for the Blind, Report of proceedings of conference on research. needs in brailie. New York: American Foundation for the Blind, 1961. Pp. 55-63.
Josephson, E. Leisure activities of blind adults. New Outlook for the Blind, 1963, 57, 211-217.
Josephson, E. A report on blind readers. New Outlook for the Blind, 1964, 58, 97-101.
Kederis, C. J. The legibility of braille characters. Master's thesis. University of Louisville, 1963.
Kederis C. J. Training for increasing braille reading rates: Final report. Louisville, Ky.: American Printing House for the Blind, 1964. (VRA Grant RD-1086S-63)
Kederis, C. J., & Nolan, C. Y. Braille codes pilot project: 1 December 1970-31 January 1972: Final report. Louisville, Ky.. American Printing House for the Blind, 1972. (Grant No. 14-P-55094/4-01)
Kederis, C. J., Nolan C. Y., & Morris, J. E. The use of controlled exposure devices to increase braille reading rates. International. Journal for the Education of the Blind, 1967, 16, 97-105.
Kederis C. J., Siems, J. R.. & Haynes, R. L. A frequency count of the symbology of English braille grade 2, American usage. International Journal for the Education of the Blind, 1965, 15, 36-46.
Kurzhals, I. The factor of touch in the reading readiness program for blind children. Master's thesis, Utah State University, 1959.
Kusajima, T. Psychology of the blind. Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Central Kohhan, 1961.
Latimer, H. R. Fifth report of the Commission on Uniform Type for the blind. In American Association of Instructors of the Blind, Twenty-fifth biennial convention. Overlea, Md.: American Association of Instructors of the Blind, 1920. Pp. 81-89. [Also in Outlook for the Blind, 1920, 14(3 & 4). (Reprint)]
Lochead, H. M., & Lorimer, J. Report of the survey of the frequency of all the contractions of standard English braille grade 2. Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh, Scotland: Scottish Braille Press, 1954.
Lorimer, J. A progress report on research on reading tests for the blind. International Journal for the Education of the Blind, 1951, 10,
Lorimer, J. The Lorimer Braille Recognition Tests. Bristol, England: The College of Teachers of the Blind; Westbury -on -T rym ), 1962.
Lowenfeld, B. Braille and Talking Book reading: A comparative study. New York: American Foundation for tne Blind, 1945.
Lowenfeld, B. The braille reading study. In International Council of Educators of Blind Youth, Fourth quinquennial conference. Watertown, Mass.: Perkins School for the Blind, 1967. Pp. 126-140.
Lowenfeld, B., & Abel, G. L. Methods of teaching braille reading : Final report. San Francisco, Calif.: San Francisco State College, 1967- (Project No. 2526; Contract No. OE-5-1 0-009)
Lowenfeld, B., Abel, G. L., & Hatlen, P. H. Blind children learn to read. Springfield, Ill,: Charles C. Thomas, 1969.
Martin, C. J., & Alonso, L. Comprehension of full length and telegraphic materials among blind children: Final report. Educational Research Series (East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University), 1967, No. 42. (Project No. R6-1179; Grant No. 32-32-0410-6004)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sensory Aids Evaluation and Development Centerm Proceedings Braille Research and Development conference. Cambridge, Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sensory Aids Evaluation and Development Center), 1966.
Mausda S. Tenzu no shokudoku kunren kōka ni tsulte. [The effect training of the braille figure.] Psychology of the Blind, 1963, 12, 15-22. (Tokyo)
Maxfield, K. E. Summary of the information collected by the Uniform mechanics of reading raised type. Outlook for the Blind, 1925, 18, 8-13,
Maxfield, K. E. The blind child and his reading: A handbook for teachers of braille reading. New York: American Foundation for tne Blind, 1928.
Merry, F. K. Shall we teach contractions to beginning braille readers? Teachers Forum, 1932, 5, 35-37.
Merry, R. V. An experiment in teaching tactual reading to seeing subjects. Pedagogical Seminary & Journal of Genetic Psychology., 1931, 39, 407-413.
Myers, E. & Calvin, J. S. Preliminary investigation of the ability subjects to detect differences in the height of braille dots. Unpublished progress report, American Printing House for the Blind, 1955.
Myers E. & Ethington, D. Readability of braille as a function of three spacing variables. Unpublished report, of Kentucky (Psychology Department) and American Printing House for the Blind, 1956.
Myers E., Ethington, D., & Ashcroft, S. Readability of braille as a function of three spacing variables. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1958, 42, 163-165.
Morris, J. E. Relative efficiency of reading and listening for braille and large type readers. In American Association of Instructors of the Blind, 48th biennial conference. Washington, D. C.: American Association of Instructors of the Blind, 1966. Pp. 65-70.
Morris J E., & Nolan, C. Y. Aural study systems for the visually handicapped Recorded textbook formats and aural study methods: A summary of user opinions: Interim progress report no. 2. Louisville KY.: American Printing House for the Blind, l970 [Project No. 8-0046; Grant No. 0EG-0-8-080046-2670(032)]
Niday, W. R. A nation-wide survey of braille reading in speed and comprehension. Master’s thesis, Ohio State University, 1939.
Nolan, C. Y. A program of research in braille reading. International Journal for the Education of the Blind, 1958, 8, 18-20.
Nolan, C. Y. Reading and listening in learning by the blind. Exceptional Children, 1963, 29, 313-316. [Also in E. P. Torrance & W. F. White (Eds.), Issues and advances in educational psychology, Ithaca Ill.: F. E. Peacock, 1959, Pp. 220-223.
Nolan, C. Y. Blind children; degree of vision, mode of reading: A 1963 replication. In Council for Exceptional Children, Inspection and Introspection of special education. Washington, D. C.: Council for Exceptional Children, 1964. Pp. 86-94. [Also in New Outlook for the Blind, 1965, 59, 233-238.]
Nolan, C. Y. Cues in the tactual perception of patterns: Progress report. Louisville, Ky: American Printing House for the Blind, 1964. (NIH Grant No- NB 03129-04)
Nolan, C. Y. Perceptual factors in braille word recognition. In American Association of Instructors of the Blind, 48th biennial conference. Washington, D. C.: American Association of Instructors of the Blind, 1966. Pp. 10-14,
Nolan, C. Y. Reading and listening in learning by the blind: Progress report, Louisville, Ky,: American Printing House for the Blind, 1966, (U, S, Public Health Service Grant No. N8-04870-04)
Nolan, C. Y. Listening and reading in learning. In E. Foulke (Ed.), Proceedings of the Louisville conference on time compressed speech. Louisville, Ky.: University of Louisville (Center for Rate Controlled Recordings), 1967. Pp. 67-68.
Nolan, C. Y. A 1966 reappraisal of the relationship between visual acuity and mode of reading for blind children. Ne w Outlook for the Blind, 1967, 61, 255-261.
Nolan, C. Y., & Bott, J, E Relationships between visual acuity and reading medium for blind children; 1969, New Outlook for the Blind, 1971, 65, 90-96.
Nolan, C. Y., & Kederis, C, J. Perceptual factors in braille word recognition, American Foundation for the Blind, Research Series, 1969, No, 20.
Nolan, C. Y., & Morris, J. E- Development and validation of the Roughness Discrimination Test International Journal for the Education of the Blind. 1965, 15, 1-6,
Overbeay, D. W A critical study of braille. Master's thesis, University of Illinois, 1938.
Pick, A. D., Thomas, M. L., & Pick, H. L., Jr. The role of graphemephoneme correspondences in the perception of braille. Journal of Verbal Learning & Behavior, 1966, 5, 298-300.
Rawls, R. F. Use of braille and print reading materials in schools for the blind. International Journal for the Education of the Blind, 1961, 11, 10-14.
Rawls, R. F., & Lewis, E. E. Braille writing in schools and day classes for the blind in the United States; International Journal for the Education of the Blind, 1961, 11, 42-46.
Rex, E. J. A study of basal readers and experimental supplementary instructional materials for teaching primary reading in braille. Part I: An analysis of braille features in basal readers. Education of the Visually Handicapped, 1970, 2, 97-107.
Rex, E. J.. A study of basal readers and experimental supplementary instructional materials for teaching primary reading in braille, Part II: Instructional materials for teaching reading in braille. Education of the Visually Handicapped, 1971, 3, 1-7.
Ricksecker, C, W, To what extent are braille children educationally handicapped? A comparison of braille and sighted children in writing, speed and comprehension in reading. High School Teacher, 1932, 8, 262-263.
Riddell, M, A survey of the reading interests of the blind. In American Association of Workers for the Blind, Proceedings of the eighteenth biennial convention of the American Association of Workers for the Blind, Los Angeles, Calif,: American Association of Workers for the Blind, 1939, Pp, 128-133. [Also in Library Journal, 1940, 65, 189-192.]
Rodgers, C. T. (Part one) Review of records of investigations, findings and other activities related to the development of touch reading and writing. In American Foundation for the Blind, Report of proceedings of conference on research needs in braille. New York: American Foundation for the Blind, 1961, Pp7-15.
Rottman, R. L. A survey of current thought and practice In selecting braille as a reading and writing medium for partially blind students in California. Master's thesis, San Francisco State College, 1960-1961.
Russell, H. K. The effect of order of presentation on the programmed learning of braille. Doctoral dissertation, Washington State University, 1970.
Smith, J. M. Which hand is the eye of the blind? Genetic Psychology Monographs, 1929, 5, 209-252.
Solomon, G.J. The effect of braille dot radius upon the discriminability of dot height. Master's thesis, University of Louisville, 1959.
Staack, G. F. A study of braille code revisions. Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1962. [Excerpted in American Foundation for the Blind, Research Bulletin, 1962, No. 2, 21-37.]
Steele, N. W. Learning by blind children of low ability: The relative effectiveness of reading and listening. Doctoral dissertation, George Peabody College for Teachers, 1969.
Steele, N. W. Aural study systems for the visually handicapped: Learning by blind children of low ability: The relative efficiency of reading and listening: Interim progress report no. 5. Louisville, Ky, : American Printing House for the Blind, 1971, [Project No, 8-0046; Grant No. 0EG-0-8- 080046-2670(032)]
Stocker, C. S., & Walton, M. J. Exploring a more efficient method of teaching braille. New Outlook for the Blind, 1967, 61, 151-154.
Stockton, G. H. Effectiveness of programmed learning in braille instruction for the adult blind; Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1965
Tobin, M. J. Programmed instruction and braille learning: An experimental and multivariate investigation of some teaching and psychological variables; Birmingham, England: University of Birmingham (School of Education, Research Centre for the Education of the Visually Handicapped), 1971.
Tooze, F. H, The Tooze Braille Speed Test. Bristol, England: The College of Teachers of the Blind (Westbury-on-Trym), 1962.
Tuttle, D. W. A comparison of three reading media for the blind: Braille, normal recording, and compressed speech. Education of the Visually Handicapped, 1972, 4, 40-44.
Umsted, R. G, Improvement of braille reading through code recognition training; Doctoral dissertation, George Peabody College for Teachers, 1970.
Weiner, L. H. The performance of good and poor braille readers on certain tests involving tactual perception. Doctoral dissertation, Syracuse University, 1962.
Weiner, L, H. The performance of good and poor braille readers on certain tests involving tactual perception. International Journal for the Education of the Blind, 1963, 12, 72-77.
Williams, M. Braille reading. Teachers of the Blind, 1971, 59, 103-116.
Woodcock, R. W., & Bourgeault, S. E. The Colorado Battery of Braille Skill Tests. New Outlook for the Blind, 1962, 56, 283-284.
Woodcock, R. W., & Bourgeault, S. E. Construction and standardization of a battery of braille skill tests. Greeley, Colo.: Colorado State College, 1964, (Cooperative Research Project No. 1650; U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; Office of Education)
Zickel, V. E., & Hooper, M. S. The program of braille research: A progress report. International Journal for the Education of the Blind, 1957, 6, 79-86.