Association for the Advancement of Education of the Blind and Visually Impaired Domagojeva
27 10000 Zagreb Zagreb, 2006/2014.
By prof. John Krznarić
Associates prof. Sead Muhamedagić: prof. Robert Pugar, prof. Zoran Rogić, prof. BLL Natasa Ivanisevic
(pdf page 3) | Table of Contents | |
(pdf page 7) | Preface | |
(pdf page 9) | Viewing braille characters | |
Chapter 1 | (pdf page 15) | Braille - a letter for the blind |
Chapter 2 | (pdf page 23) | The difference between the full alphabet and shorthand |
Chapter 3 | (pdf page 25) | types of contractions |
(pdf page 25) | Jednoznačne acronym for voice group | |
(pdf page 25) | Rules to trim | |
(pdf page 27) | Combined shortcuts | |
(pdf page 28) | Rules to trim | |
(pdf page 30) | 3 contractions for | |
(pdf page 30) | Extensions to be times in every bits | |
(pdf page 30) | Rules to trim words | |
(pdf page 31) | Extensions used only in polysyllabic words | |
(pdf page 32) | Rules for shortening | |
Chapter 4 | (pdf page 34) | contractions than one character for a word |
(pdf page 34) | The contractions for words that times contractions voice of | |
(pdf page 34) | The contractions for words that times initial letter or contractions for the first two letters of | |
(pdf page 35) | contractions the words that the last times or characteristic letter or acronym for characteristic voice group | |
(pdf page 36) | The contractions for words that times unspecified letter or symbol | |
Chapter 5 | (pdf page 39) | Acronyms with sign |
(pdf page 39) | The contractions for words that comprise the signs and the initial letter or acronym for the first two letters of | |
(pdf page 40) | The contractions for words that comprise the signs and the letter, or contractions for the last two letters of | |
(pdf page 40) | The contractions for words which consist of characteristic signs and letters, and contractions for the two characteristic letters | |
(pdf page 41) | The contractions of words that comprise the signs and uncharacteristic letters or uncharacteristic letters or characters | |
(pdf page 41) | Rules to trim | |
(pdf page 42) | Acronyms for extensions | |
(pdf page 42) | rules for shortening | |
Chapter 6 | (pdf page 44) | contractions of more characters for words |
(pdf page 44) | The contractions for words that should not deprive only when standing alone | |
(pdf page 44) | Rules to trim | |
(pdf page 45) | The contractions for words that must always use | |
(pdf page 45) | Rules to trim a | |
(pdf page 46) | contractions for words to add prefixes | |
(pdf page 46) | Rules to trim | |
(pdf page 47) | the contractions for words to be added endings | |
(pdf page 47) | Rules to trim | |
(pdf page 47) | The contractions for some adjectives and Annex | |
(pdf page 48) | Rules to trim | |
(pdf page 48) | Rules to trim compound | |
Chapter 7 | (pdf page 50) | List of contractions for use in writing |
Chapter 8 | (pdf page 57) | List of contractions for use in reading |
Appendix 1 | (pdf page 65) | Text formatting and other standards |
(pdf page 65) | Formatting of braille record | |
(pdf page 65) | Headings and subheadings | |
(pdf page 66) | Excerpts recessed text | |
(pdf page 66) | Edge notes Writing songs | |
(pdf page 67) | Rewrite book with black print on a braille | |
Appendix 2 | (pdf page 68) | Mathematical signs |
Appendix 3 | (pdf page 71) | English braille List of contractions for use in reading |
Appendix 4 | (pdf page 78) | French braille List of contractions for use in reading |
Appendix 5 | (pdf page 110) | German braille |
(pdf page 110) | List of contractions for use in reading | |
Appendix - | (pdf page 124) | Talk |