Unified Braille


Letters and braille for the Croatian and related languages


The tutorial and manual


Association for the Advancement of Education of the Blind and Visually Impaired Domagojeva

27 10000 Zagreb Zagreb, 2006/2014.

By prof. John Krznarić  

Associates prof. Sead Muhamedagić: prof. Robert Pugar, prof. Zoran Rogić, prof. BLL Natasa Ivanisevic


Table of Contents

(pdf page 3)Table of Contents
(pdf page 7)Preface
(pdf page 9)Viewing braille characters
Chapter 1(pdf page 15)Braille - a letter for the blind
Chapter 2(pdf page 23)The difference between the full alphabet and shorthand
Chapter 3(pdf page 25)types of contractions
(pdf page 25)Jednoznačne acronym for voice group
(pdf page 25)Rules to trim
(pdf page 27)Combined shortcuts
(pdf page 28)Rules to trim
(pdf page 30)3 contractions for
(pdf page 30)Extensions to be times in every bits
(pdf page 30)Rules to trim words
(pdf page 31)Extensions used only in polysyllabic words
(pdf page 32)Rules for shortening
Chapter 4(pdf page 34)contractions than one character for a word
(pdf page 34)The contractions for words that times contractions voice of
(pdf page 34)The contractions for words that times initial letter or contractions for the first two letters of
(pdf page 35)contractions the words that the last times or characteristic letter or acronym for characteristic voice group
(pdf page 36)The contractions for words that times unspecified letter or symbol
Chapter 5(pdf page 39)Acronyms with sign
(pdf page 39)The contractions for words that comprise the signs and the initial letter or acronym for the first two letters of
(pdf page 40)The contractions for words that comprise the signs and the letter, or contractions for the last two letters of
(pdf page 40)The contractions for words which consist of characteristic signs and letters, and contractions for the two characteristic letters
(pdf page 41)The contractions of words that comprise the signs and uncharacteristic letters or uncharacteristic letters or characters
(pdf page 41)Rules to trim
(pdf page 42)Acronyms for extensions
(pdf page 42)rules for shortening
Chapter 6(pdf page 44)contractions of more characters for words
(pdf page 44)The contractions for words that should not deprive only when standing alone
(pdf page 44)Rules to trim
(pdf page 45)The contractions for words that must always use
(pdf page 45)Rules to trim a
(pdf page 46)contractions for words to add prefixes
(pdf page 46)Rules to trim
(pdf page 47)the contractions for words to be added endings
(pdf page 47)Rules to trim
(pdf page 47)The contractions for some adjectives and Annex
(pdf page 48)Rules to trim
(pdf page 48)Rules to trim compound
Chapter 7(pdf page 50)List of contractions for use in writing
Chapter 8(pdf page 57)List of contractions for use in reading
Appendix 1(pdf page 65)Text formatting and other standards
(pdf page 65) Formatting of braille record
(pdf page 65)Headings and subheadings
(pdf page 66)Excerpts recessed text
(pdf page 66)Edge notes Writing songs
(pdf page 67)Rewrite book with black print on a braille
Appendix 2(pdf page 68)Mathematical signs
Appendix 3(pdf page 71)English braille List of contractions for use in reading
Appendix 4(pdf page 78)French braille List of contractions for use in reading
Appendix 5(pdf page 110)German braille
(pdf page 110)List of contractions for use in reading
Appendix -(pdf page 124)Talk