"1 indicator sign for a Passage in mathematics writing
,' Cancellation mark for one Passage in mathematics writing
,' indicator sign for a Passage in text font
,' Cancellation mark for one Passage in text font
Braille signs and their combinations sometimes different symbols in the text and mathematics font again. The marking of the transitions between the two Fonts are therefore of great importance. Three different techniques are available:
The choice of technique is context dependent.
Expect in documents with a large mathematical share Reading with maths script. For identification of the exchange It therefore often suffices to pass from text to math yes, lines with mathematical content using the layout stand out from the rest of the text.
A very frequently used design option for identifying Drawing mathematics fonts are on and off syncopations. There are lines around a number of forms indented relative to the previous text environment. Of the Change back to the text font is made by the beginning of a new line in the text layout. Be for the mathematical Passage requires several lines, the following should be noted:
Further design forms are, for example, edge markers. (see example 1.1.1 B02) or table columns (see Examples 1.1.1 B03 and 1.1.1 B04).
"1 indicator sign for a Passage in mathematics writing
,' Cancellation mark for one Passage in mathematics writing
The clearest transitions from text to Mathematics writing and back with indicator and cancellation sign marked.
The indicator sign is just ahead of the first one Character of mathematics font. Except at the beginning of the line usually preceded by a space. It stands however immediately behind an opening text clip or a another symbol, which is followed by text without a space could.
The cancellation sign is immediately after the last one Sign of math script passage. This is followed by an empty or punctuation.
The mathematical font introduced with the notice Passages are mandatory with the cancellation mark. conclude. They may only be used by short, with the double drawing technology delimited text passages interrupted become.
Punctuation marks belong at the end of a mathematical passage usually not to mathematical expression itself For the sake of clarity, after the discontinuation of written sign, where they do not precede the dot 6 need (see "3.7 punctuation marks").
,' indicator sign for a Passage in text font
,' Cancellation mark for one Passage in text font
Text writing within a math script passage can also marked with arrival and cancellation signs become. The indicator sign is immediately before the first text characters behind one at the border cause blanks. The cancellation symbol follows immediately bar to the last text character.
In a maths passage, the text insertion is normal. wise in the same degree of reduction (short, full or basic font) like the rest of transmitted text.
These signs and cancellations may also be within be used a math script passage, the in turn is delimited by arrival and termination signs. On the other hand, in a message marked with an recorded text insert no mathematical insertions be included.
Wherever there is a change between text and math- may be expected, very short insertions of the each other font with the double-sheet technology be marked.
The first character in the other writing system is entered Double blanks. The change back to the previous one The writing system is again marked with a double sign. shows. The double blank must be between characters, may not be at the beginning or end of a line to Use come.
The end of a one-off double-entry Shove must also be marked by a double sign. be drawn. Only if a slot in math script At the end of a paragraph, may be on this discarding Double signs are waived, since a new paragraph the by the double sign technology caused correspondence picks up anyway.
As a rule, punctuation marks belong at the end of a mathematical passage is not a mathematical expression. they may nevertheless in front of the double source at the border sign - where necessary with dot 6 - be written (see "3.7 punctuation marks"). Follow a math expression directly on leading punctuation mark (quotation marks, opening Parenthesis), the double sign technique can not be applied.
For readers, it must always be clear whether they are watching the Read text or math font. For the choice of each Appropriate engineering, the following considerations apply principles:
Caution is required for umlaut characters and @ss, which in the Mathematics writing as other characters, especially as break- dash and closing bracket, can be read. Punctuation must be preceded by Dot 6 are provided.
,Row separator at the location a space
@Line separator between two immediately adjacent characters
@Cohesion dot
In the inkprint is usually any mathematical "Sentence" alone on a line. A hyphen for identification There is a mathematical line break in the Blackletter not.
In Braille, a mathematical "sentence" often takes more than just a line. Therefore, a character is needed to be aware of the continuation in the next line makes.
The placing of spaces in the braille mathematics font is not arbitrary. If a line break is necessary, then distinguish between two cases:
In two other cases, characters with@(point 4) held together as it were:
@ (Dot 4) in these functions is not available with dot 4 confused, the integral part of some symbols - to Example _@e (Euro) or _@0 (degree sign) - is or in front of a letter as accent sign.
,;7 opening and closing bracket for notes on Braille transmission
If especially for the work to be implemented in Braille Character stock has been extended or typographical features must be presented or explained, it is necessary to dig, comments on the Braille writing of the Template to install. Also should be on the resolution of Tables or the verbalization or omission of Illustrations are pointed out.
Notes that describe the entire transmission of the work. Meet, be in a separate section or chapter with corresponding heading at the beginning of the work or each Volume of the Braille book summarized. Here are the introduced characters in a list.
Applies the note only for individual passages in the work, will these in brackets for comments on Braille. Inserted at the respective place. So they will not read as text of the black lettering template.
The notes to the Braille script - both in a separate section as well as in parentheses - are in the degree of reduction as the rest of the text written. See examples 6.3 B01 and 14.3 B07.