3 Letters and Punctuation

3.1 Preliminary note on the labeling of letters

, Lowercase letters (letter sign)
^ one or more uppercase letters
. a capital letter followed by one or more lowercase letters
; Greek letters
" 1. special typographic indicator
_ 2. special typographic indicator

Without marking all letters in math. Write lowercase Latin letters in their modern writing form. Latin capital letters and foreign or typographically special letters must be identified accordingly.

3.2 Uppercase and lowercase Latin letters

, Lowercase letters
^ one or more uppercase letters
. a capital letter followed by one or more lowercase letters

Math lettercase is very crucial for their meaning. It must therefore be sure to be unambiguous. Basically, for Latin lowercase letters in the maths Matikschrift no indicator required. However, they have to where they are marked with dot 6 (letter sign) where they are due interpreted the previous character as something else can be, for example:

All unannounced letters are Latin lowercase letters.

For the sake of clarity, it is recommended that prefers too many dot 6 , letter signs than too little.

A capital letter should only use dots 46 . if at least one lowercase letter follows. Otherwise, individual capital letters are always shown with the dots 45 ^.

The effect of the warning signs for large or small Letters will be repealed by:

3.3 Greek Letters

The letters of the Greek alphabet are the same braille markers as those of the Latin alphabet written. Therefore, Greek letters must expressly be marked as such. David Note: the German representation is just like Nemeth, except that theta uses the letter h.

a α U+03B1 Α U+0391 alpha
b β U+03B2 Β U+0392 beta
g γ U+03B3 Γ U+0393 gamma
d δ U+03B4 Δ U+0394 delta
e ε U+03B5 Ε U+0395 epsilon
z ζ U+03B6 Ζ U+0396 zeta
j η U+03B7 Η U+0397 eta
h θ U+03B8 ϑ U+03D1 Θ U+0398 theta
i ι U+03B9 Ι U+0399 iota
k κ U+03BA Κ U+039A kappa
l λ U+03BB Λ U+039B lambda
m μ U+03BC Μ U+039C mu
n ν U+03BD Ν U+039D nu
x ξ U+03BE Ξ U+039E xi
o ο U+03BF Ο U+039F omnicron
p π U+03C0 Π U+03A0 pi
r ρ U+03C1 Ρ U+03A1 rho
s σ U+03C3 Σ U+03A3 sigma
t τ U+03C4 Τ U+03A4 tau
u υ U+03C5 Υ U+03A5 upsilon
f φ U+03C6 ϕ U+03D5 Φ U+03A6 phi
c χ U+03C7 Χ U+03A7 chi
y ψ U+03C8 Ψ U+03A8 psi
w ω U+03C9 Ω U+03A9 omega

Greek lowercase letters are replaced by the character ; In Greek capital letters will be additional the indicator for capitalization ^ or . between set this character and the first letter.

The indicator for Greek letters is for one indicator of capitalization by dots 45 ^ resp. Dots 46 . and for all letters up:

Therefore, after a sequence of Greek letters derive the indicators for uppercase or lowercase ^ or . or , a change to Latin letters. If within a sequence of Greek letters an indicator necessary for uppercase or lowercase letters repeated the indicator for Greek letters ; become.

Note: The former sign for Greek capital _ is no longer used.

Note: The representation of eta, theta and chi in mathematics writing deviates from the presentation in (old) Greek. The usual Characters for these letters have in the math font other functions and their use for Greek Letters entail a great likelihood of confusion. In texts, in which these letters are used in both math and in Text typeface, the different representation in a braille technical note will be explained.

In the alternative representation the following signs become used:

: Eta
? Theta
& Chi

The Braille alphabet, which is used in modern Greece is used, deviates from several of the letters German braille text and math script.

Russian Chart

Russian Chart

, [Russia] small Latin letter
. [Russia] uppercase Latin letter
; [Russia] small Greek letter
_ [Russia] uppercase Greek letter
" [Russia] small Gothic letter
^ [Russia] uppercase Gothic letter
"> [Russia] small Cyrillic letter
^> [Russia] uppercase Cyrillic letter

3.4 Special typographic fonts

" 1. special typographic font
_ 2. special typographic font

Assign special printing forms in mathematical templates to different mathematical meanings, the Differences also indicated in Braille become. This is the case, for example, if certain letters in Bold or even appear in gothic print, about to mark them as vectors.

In the traditional printing for mathematical works Become units and short words by typographic means lifted from variables. In the Braille mathematics font In any case, units and short words are specially identified. draws (see "4.1 Identification of unit symbols" and "3.6 shortcut icons"). It is therefore not necessary to render any italics for variables.

For the marking of special typographic fonts tions of all kinds stand the two indicator signs dot 5 " and dots 456 _ at leisure. Around what kind of font it is in the individual case, must be explained in a braille technical note (see "1.3 Notes on Braille transfer"). There the sign _ also announces units, is for 3 letters

Letters the character dot 5 " recommended (see "4.1 Identification of unit symbols").

The indicator sign for the special typographic drawing immediately before the first relevant book or before the eventual indicator for Greek Letters and / or uppercase / lowercase letters. The indicator is for those who might be right on it following characters ; (Greek), ^ or . or , (Upper and lower case) - or combinations thereof - and for all letters up:

The indicator signs may also be in front of other signs of the Braille are left to those by a typographic withdrawal receive other meanings. In this case, the arrival ending:

The indicator by dot 5 " must not with projectives because dot 5 is the gain of a projective (see "10.2 Reinforced Projectives"). Furthermore is they are not allowed where they read as part of a symbol could be. For example, a prefixed dot 5 forms in combination with square brackets ( or ) not about bold, but curly braces "( or ") (see "6.2 Simple parentheses").

The indicator by _ may not be used there where they coincide with the first part of a lower could be confused (see 8.2 Summary marks").

The indicator by dots 456 _ is right in front of one single digit of a number not allowed to confusion with the indicator of a unit to prevent.

If only part of an expression is highlighted, so that in an explanation can be made, recommends the technique of horizontal summaries (see "15.2 Horizontal summaries and horizontal clauses For special pairs of brackets, the special braille sequences are used (see "6.3 Special braille sequences").

3.5 letter-like symbols

&d ∆ U+2206 delta as a difference sign
&s ∑ U+2211 summation sign
&p ∏ U+22of Product characters
&e ∈ U+2208 is element of
%d ∂ U+2202 round d (for partial derivative)
? ∂ U+2202 round d (for partial derivative) [Russia]
@h ℏ U+210f h-quer, reduced Planck constant
"p ℘ U+2118 Weierstrasses p
@p ℘ U+2118 Weierstrasses p [Russia]
..n ℕ U+2115 Amount of natural numbers
..z ℤ U+2124 Set of integers
..q ℚ U+211a Set of rational numbers
..r ℝ U+211d Set of real numbers
..c ℂ U+2102 Set of complex numbers
..h ℍ U+210d amount of quaternions
..p ℙ U+2119 Projective line

For many mathematical symbols whose forms in the Black letters go back to individual letters, but those are not identical with these letters, there are own Braille symbols.

So have the symbols for sum and product in the Blackletter the form of the Greek capital letters Sigma and Pi. They are in Braille due to their Size is not treated like these letters, but each with their designated symbol &s for sum and written &p for product (see "11.1 Functions"). The reduced Planck constant (also known as "h-cross") is in the inkprint by a crossed out small h, in Braille by the fixed string "h. Similarly, in partial derivatives, the in the black print curved small d in braille reproduced with "d.

Also the capital letters drawn with double strokes for the standard quantities are in the Braille by own, symbols consisting of three Braille symbols each give: ..n for natural numbers, ..z for whole numbers len, ..q for rational numbers, etc. and are considered alphabetic symbols (see example 12 B09). If necessary, Further symbols are formed according to this pattern. The Re-creation must be included in the preliminary remarks or notes for Braille transmission (see "1.3 Notes on Braille Communication").

In contrast, the Greek lower case Pi is not of the different and is different from other Greek lowercase letters in accordance with the rules for the presentation of Greek book (see "3.3 Greek letters")

3.6 Shortword symbols

] key sign for Short word symbols

In the inkprint are many defined functions, etc. of the Frequently found in abbreviated form, such as "sin" for the sine function. The letters of these short word symbols are often typographically distinguished from variables, and so on not to confuse them.

In Braille mathematics, there are many functions that have their own symbols beginning with the character $. In this case, confusion with function arguments is eliminated.

There are shorthand symbols that are still in the Braille are not defined, they can use the alternate symbol ]. When a shortword starts with a capital letter, the corresponding indicator is . or ^ immediately after the ] indicator. The short word must be followed by subsequent arguments, etc. with a space or an indicator delimited (numerical characters, small characters or the like) become.

It is at the discretion of the transferor or the writer, Short words, for their own, beginning with the dot 6 , Symbols exist to write as well.

The key character $ is also used for the initiation different geometric symbols use (see "14.1 Geometric Symbols"). In these symbols follows the Key character but never a letter.

3.7 punctuation marks

, indicator sign for punctuation mark

If punctuation marks occur in mathematics writing, you have to the dot 6 , to be preceded by others To distinguish symbols. The paragraph ' as well as the Indent ,- are exempted from this, as no Likelihood of confusion exists.

Also brackets of the text font is preceded by the dot 6 ,. Round text brackets 7 thus appear with one dot 6. Although in square brackets ,7 one dot 6 already part of the symbol, they must be accompanied by a dot 6 (see "6.6 Textual brackets in mathematics").

3.8 Text in the math font

For text insets in mathematical passages is in the Usually changed to the text font. Nevertheless, individual may Words and short phrases are written without the Leave math script. Then Basic Script must to be used. In mathematics writing, the capital letters In principle, this is also the case for words. In contrast, in a correspondence to the text font the Capitalization as used in the rest of the text.

Usually the text is preceded by a space. This As a rule, he ensures that he does not use vari- can be confused. The German letters a umlaut, o umlaut, u umlaut and ss are written with braille signs, which also mathematic symbols or parts of them. If it is If they are lower case letters, they must be in critical Situations with dot 6 , be provided.

As long as the mathematics writing is not left out, it is necessary at the line break before or after a word of a line separator (see "1.2 Separating and holding together mathematical expressions").

For punctuation marks the usual in mathematics writing apply Regulate. They are therefore in most cases preceded by to mark the dot 6 , (see "3.7 punctuation marks").