6 brackets and vertical strokes

The following symbols are on the "inside" directly to the adjacent characters connected:
< ( opening parenthesis
> ) closing parenthesis
( [ open square brackets
) ] closing square brackets
"( { curly-opening bracket
") } curly closing parenthesis
.( < open angle brackets
.) > closing angle brackets
,( obtuse-angle opening bracket
.) obtuse-angle closing bracket
"^( Gaussian opening clamp (upper Border)
"^) Gaussian closing bracket (upper limit)
";( Gaussian opening bracket (lower limit)
";( Gaussian closing bracket (lower limit)
#< round special opening braille sequence
#> round special closing braille sequence
#( angular special opening braille sequence
#) angular special closing braille sequence
#"( curly special opening braille sequence
#") curly special closing braille sequence
."( Row summary bracket: several lines summary big left brace
@l vertical line
@= vertical double-line
,;7 braille-type notes clip (opening and closing)
,\ Beginning of a new line

For horizontal summary brackets, see "15.2 Horizontal summaries and lying brackets".

6.1 General to brackets

In the math journal, the exact reproduction of the difference between opening and closing parentheses dispensable. Therefore, the brackets of the Braille text writing unsuitable for mathematical expressions. In the math Matikschrift therefore own brackets are required.

6.2 Simple parentheses

All parenthesis symbols have in common that they pages directly, without spaces, to the content to be connected. Whether on the outside the parenthesis must be a space, is from the neighboring dependent on the characters.

In the inkprint outer brackets are occasionally printed slightly larger than the ones inside. In most cases Braille has to be mathematically insignificant Do not reflect difference. However, it may make sense

6.3 Special braille sequences

#< round special opening braille sequence
#> round special closing braille sequence
#( angular special opening braille sequence
#) angular special closing braille sequence
#"( curly special opening braille sequence
#") curly special closing braille sequence

The special braille sequences can be different Find use, for example,

In the inkprint become conditions for the validity Of a preceding expression often spatially separated and written at the end of the same line. The short Braille lines rarely allow such a technique. The inclusion the conditions in special braille sequences ensures the necessary separation and at the same time indicates that the brackets themselves in the black letter template not appear.

Are in the inkprint brackets especially - about by color or bold - highlighted, so offer the Special braille sequences give a more elegant appearance as the use of an indicator sign for special typographic fonts (see "3.4 Special Fonts"). In this case, the shape of the Brackets in a note on braille transmission. (see "1.3 Notes to the Braille transmission").

The special braille sequences can also be used are used to identify particularly emphasized subexpressions. to draw. Also in this case, the shape of the brackets must be in a note on Braille transmission (see "1.3 Notes on Braille transfer").

In the mathematical notation of the inkprint offers the spatial distribution of symbols subtle ways that To clarify the relationship between individual symbols. In the It can transfer complex expressions into Braille therefore, be beneficial to the interrelationships of these symbols to make clear by an additional pair of brackets. Here- suitable for the special braille sequences. You are nalisieren that in these places in the inkprint no Brackets exist.

6.4 Multi-line parenthetical expressions

If the inkprint contains several lines with mathematical table expressions by a large curly bracket summarized, is in Braille the symbol ."( written before the first expression. The lines- change of inkprint are marked with ;\, regardless of whether there is a new line in Braille (see examples 6.4 B05 and 6.4 B06).

For pairs of braces that span several lines, There are two display options in Braille.

Usually, the opening bracket is at the beginning of the first Line and the closing bracket following the last one Line set. The line breaks of the inkprint will be also marked with ;\ here. A new physical Line is not required. Before and after this sign Depending on how clarity is used, spaces but the first of the two braille characters is allowed can not be misinterpreted as a sign of the end of the breach.

Sometimes it is convenient, the black letter representation a mathematical expression over several lines in the Braille, for example for the purpose of in the introduction of the matrix concept. In this position, the parenthesis symbols appear on each line. The individual terms within the parentheses are aligned so that the columns are clearly visible. Spaces within terms are marked with 4 @ to clarify the affiliation of the elements. Large voids should be avoided (see example 6.4 B04).

Note: This form of presentation does not lead to the same overview as in the inkprint. It is also very expensive too Write and is less suitable for the routine work.

6.5 vertical lines

@l vertical line
@= vertical double-dash
;\ Beginning of a new line

Individual vertical bars are indicated by the symbol @l represented, for example, as a relationship sign for "shares" or at the solution of equations to describe the description of the current separate the solution step from the equation (see "5 Operation and Relations Characters "and" A1.6 Solving Equations").

If the bars occur in pairs, for example as amount or as determinant strokes in matrices, they become like Treated brackets.

6.6 Text Clips in Mathematics

Also in mathematical passages occur brackets, the rather fulfill a text rather than a mathematical function. To For this purpose, the brackets of the text may be inserted in the Math script "imported". You will then go through a preceding point 6 , of mathematical symbols bolen (like the equals sign) (see "3.7 Punctuation").

Do not have all parentheses in a math environment the actual function of mathematical parentheses. Examples These are formula numbers, equation conditions and Units behind equations. Here it is the writing or transferring person, textual or mathematical Choose brackets.