7 Arrows

The Braille Mathematics font has two presentation types for arrows.

7.1 Modular arrows

arrow modules
? key symbols for arrow symbols payments
2 simple vertical shaft
3 simple horizontal shaft
5 simple diagonal shaft (top left / bottom right)
9 simple diagonal shaft (bottom left / top right)
7 double horizontal shaft
22 dashed simple vertical shaft
33 dashed simple horizontal shaft
55 dashed simple diagonal Shaft (top left / bottom right)
99 dashed simple diagonal Shaft (bottom left / top right)
77 dashed double horizontal shaft
" simple tip to the left or below
1 simple tip to the right or above
"" double tip to the left or below
11 double top to the right or above
- dash through the shaft
^ small bar of an assignment planning arrow

Horizontal arrows, mostly on the Key sign is omitted
31 arrow right with simple Shank and simple tip
"3 left arrow with simple Shank and simple tip
"31 Arrow left and right with simple shaft and simple sharpen
^31 ↦ U+21a6 assignment arrow

With the modular representation, arrows with different Shank and tip shapes in eight different directions be reproduced.

An arrow symbol will appear depending on the presence of the elements - similar to a modular system - as follows:

Triple and multiple tips are duplicated analogously educated.

The horizontal arrows 31 "3 and ^31, (Assignment arrow) are mostly without key character written.

Are other arrow shapes - for example, a curved tip - can represent one of the following characters between the key and the following character. ben: 4 6 8 0 and ; (the last one Case to use characters is the second full character). On such sign could also be called another shaft or Serve top shape characters. The meaning of the used Sign is in a braille note (see "1.3 Notes on Braille transmission").

The modular arrows have different radios and their relation to neighboring characters is accordingly not uniform. Therefore, they are partly in between Spaces and partially connected to other characters.

As a marker, for example, they connect directly to the Symbols they modify (see "8 Simple and summary marks"). They are displayed after a space and concluded with the following sign (see "5 Operation and relation character").

Hints: If a modular arrow with a leftward Top " ends, it must be ensured that this Sign neither with the sign for special typographic fonts even with the reinforcement of a projective can be confused (see "3.4 Special Typographical fonts" and "10.2 Reinforced Projectives"). For arrow labels, see "7.3 Labeling of arrows".

7.2 Defined arrows

33o → U+2192 Arrow to the right
[33 ← U+2190 Arrow to left
[33o ↔ U+2194 Double arrow with simple shaft
77o ⇒ U+21D2 Implication (arrow to the right with double shaft)
[77o ⇔ U+21D4 Equivalence arrow (double arrow with double shaft)
11o ⇢ U+21e2 right arrow with dashed line Shank and simple tip
[11 ⇠ U+21e0 left arrow with dashed line Shank and simple tip
[11o XXX Arrow left and right with dashed shaft and simple sharpen

Playback as a defined arrow is particularly suitable there, where the arrow as an operation or relation character is a mathematician subdivided into a matic expression. Arrows as marking or access Set of symbols are generally better with modular arrows.

Defined arrows are generally to be placed between spaces. Exceptions exist where neighboring symbols do not allow (for example, brackets). For arrow labels see "7.3 Labeling of arrows".

7.3 Labeling of arrows

In Braille mathematics font, arrow labels - irrespective of their spatial reference to the arrow in the template, always written in parentheses following the arrow.

The arrow is followed by point 4 @ and the inscription is in special braille brackets #<'''#> closed. A change to the text font must be marked become. The closing bracket is followed by a space or a punctuation mark.

Alternatively, depending on the content, round mathematical < and > or round text brackets 7'''7 be used. In front of the opening bracket, at math- brackets point 4 @ and text brackets Point 6 , set. The writing system within the Klam mern corresponds to the selected bracket type.

If the caption in the template itself is in brackets and if these are of material importance, they are taken over and supplemented by the brackets described above.