Approval and termination signs
^ Indicator sign for easy upper marks
; Indicator sign for simple lower marks
. Indicator sign for Generic upper markings
_ Warning sign for Generic lower markings
. Reinforcing sign for comprehensive markings
" second gain sign for summary markers at interleaves
: cancellation mark for combination comprehensive markings
.: cancellation mark for reinforced summary markers
": second cancellation sign for reinforced summary marks
Markings in the inkprint top right or at the bottom right of the icon
9 ' Dash (diagonal or straight)
4 * Star
8 × cross (oblique)
6 + Plus sign
- - minus sign
? - Haken (Actuarial) *
Markings in the inkprint above or below stand by the symbol
3 - horizontal line
9 ~ Snake line (tilde)
2 point
0 Circle
+ ^ caret
7 = Equal sign
< arc
31 arrow to the right
"3 Arrow to the left
?" > Wedge with point right *
?1 < Wedge with tip left *
* On the signs for the actuarial Hook, the roof and the wedges must each be a blank or Punctuation followed, otherwise with other characters can be confused.
Markings are additions that are in the inkprint above, written below or to the right of a symbol, to change its meaning.
Examples for this are:
Low or superscript letters and numbers on one On the other hand, symbols do not count as markers. you will be treated as indices (see "10.3 Indices and Exponents"). Neither are symbols for units such as degrees or angles minute marks.
The usual line in the inkprint repeats over itself. the numbers and sequences of numbers in periodic decimal fractions is not indicated by a mark in Braille. given (see "2.1.4 Periodic decimal fractions").
It is braille-typed between simple and summarized distinguished from one another. Simple marking ments refer to a single symbol. Together capturing markings extend over several symbols, that they "summarize" so.
The Indicator signs are right in front, the discontinuation sign immediately after the character or string written.
Note: The former wedge-keyed symbols to the right @o and Tip left @[ were listed by those in the list of Replaced symbols.
Markings that refer to a single symbol, are in Braille to the right of the symbol, not pay attention to whether they are in the inkprint above, below or to the right of the icon.
An Indicator sign initiates the marking and indicates whether they are in the inkprint top or top right or bottom or below right. The Indicator sign is added upper marks usually omitted. Is a symbol with both markers and indexes or exponents, the markings in the Usually written before the latter (see "10.3 indices and Exponent").
If several marks of the same ben Art is replaced by a bracketed number, this is called Index written.
Summary marks refer to several Symbols and are placed in front of them in Braille. Braille are technically projective (see "10 Projective technology").
The marking is always indicated by one of the two indicators. for upper . or lower _ Marks initiated. If within the marked Scope further summary marks or Projective, the Indicator sign must be around the Characters . or " expanded at the beginning and at the end the corresponding closing character must be set. (See the explanation for reinforcement of projectives, "10.2 Reinforced Projectives".)
The marking is valid until the effect is lifted by: