12 Set Theory

"( { U+007b curly-opening bracket
") } U+007d curly closing parenthesis
..n ℕ U+2115 Amount of natural numbers
..z ℤ U+2124 Set of integers
..q ℚ U+211a Set of rational numbers
..r ℝ U+211d Set of real numbers
..c ℂ U+2102 Set of complex numbers
..h ℍ U+210d amount of quaternions
..p ℙ U+2119 Projective line
&0 ∅ U+2205 empty set
&a ℵ U+2135 Aleph
@a ℵ U+2135 Aleph [Russia]
&1 ∀ U+2200 for all
&5 ∃ U+2203 there are
&e ∈ U+2208 is element of
9&e ∉ U+2299 is not an element of
&9 ∋ U+220b has to element
<' ⊂ U+2282 is contained in, is subset of
<7 ⊆ U+2286 is contained in or equal to
>1 ⊃ U+2283 contains, is superset of
>7 ⊇ U+2287 contains or is the same
%' ∪ U+222a union of
+' ∩ U+2229 intersection with
*' \ U+005c reduced to, without *
/' ∆ U+2206 symmetric difference
8 ⨯ U+2a2f Cartesian product (paint cross) *
@l | vertical line, so that
9 , U+002c marker for complementary quantities
/c c superscript c as a marker for complementary quantities

* In front of these symbols is a space to put, after against them (see "5 Operations and Relationships character").

The symbols for the standard quantities (set of natural Numbers, integers, etc.) are solid entities of three Braille characters. They are not as letters with notice to understand. Similar icons that are not listed here may be formed analogously.