Duxbury Systems Use of Third-Party Open Source Software

Open Source software often provides useful tools and functions that advance the state of the art for all software developers as well as software users. Several Duxbury products include Open Source software from a third party.

Generally speaking, Open Source software is available on the Internet in source code form, where any developer or user can obtain it and compile it into new works subject to the restrictions of the original authors and contributors.

The compiled, binary form of such software is often referred to as a library, package, or component. In many cases, the compiled forms of Open Source software are likewise available for copying and re-use, and once again this use is subject to the restrictions imposed by the original authors and contributors. To redistribute any such component, one must include the copyright statement and terms of use that accompany that component.

Most Duxbury products on the Windows and MacOS platforms use the wxWidgets Cross-Platform GUI Libraries to implement the user interface and provide a number of low-level functions. (See the license terms of the wxWidgets Library. See also https://www.wxwidgets.org for more information on wxWidgets.)

All other third-party open source software used in Duxbury products is listed explicitly in this topic and the related subtopics. Note that components shipped with a Duxbury product and not listed below should be understood to be subject to the copying restrictions outlined in the Duxbury End-User License Agreement (EULA).

The lists below do not include information about Open Source software that may be included in the operating system software on which the Duxbury application runs. The manufacturer of the operating system should post information about its use of Open Source software.

Open Source Components by Duxbury Product

Apart from wxWidgets, Open Source software components included with each Duxbury product appear in the sections below.


DBT includes these Open Source components on the Windows platform. They are used to support importing various document file formats.

In the Windows or Macintosh version, DBT uses these open source components.

  • wxExpat (XML Parsing) Library
    For copyright information, see wxExpat Library.
  • wxRegEx (Regular Expressions) Library
    For copyright information, see wxRegEx Library


NimPro includes two data files that are used to interpret the symbols that may appear in DAISY/NIMAS input documents that include MathML.

  • mathml2.ent
    (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
    See comments within mathml2.ent for license terms and further information.
  • htmlmathml-f.ent
    Copyright 1998 - 2011 W3C
    See comments within htmlmathml-f.ent for license terms and further information.

Certain wxWidgets libraries used by NimPro are in whole or in part contributed by third parties to WX and have their own copyrights. Duxbury acknowledges the copyrights of these parties in these libraries (components).

  • wxTIFF (Tagged Image File Format) Library
    For copyright information, see wxTIFF Library
  • wxExpat (XML Parsing) Library
    For copyright information, see wxExpat Library.
  • wxRegEx (Regular Expressions) Library
    For copyright information, see wxRegEx Library
  • wxPng (Portable Network Graphics) Library
    This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.

Perky Duck

No additional Open Source components are used in Perky Duck.


QuickTac for MacOS includes additional copyrighted Open Source software to implement curve drawing.

  • tinyspline
    Copyright (c) 2016 Marcel Steinbeck
    For license and further information, see License for TinySpline.

QuickTac for MacOS also uses these open source components.

  • wxExpat (XML Parsing) Library
    For copyright information, see wxExpat Library.