Control file listing for: Enabling Romeo Pro LE Narrow

  • "Enabling Romeo PRO LE (24 cell wide Label Edition)"
  • # *** Embosser definition unchanged since 09/24/2009
  • # To use this embosser definition. you must set this parameter
  • # in the embosser:
  • # - Label Mode (50.1e)
  • # It is also supposed that you are finding the top of form
  • # by some process external to DBT before sending a job from DBT.
  • #
  • # If you line up the forms to leave more than the tiniest of top
  • # margins. you will not be able to fit the maximum number of lines
  • # on the label that DBT will allow. In general. we advise using
  • # DBT's Recommended lines per page settings to leave an adequate
  • # top an bottom margin.
  • #
  • # Note that the form definitions below assume that all labels
  • # are 11 inches wide. and will support 24 cell braille. This is
  • # not likely to be true of your labels. To prevent line overruns.
  • # you should set DBT's Desired cells per line to something
  • # that will fit on your label. and are advised to create a
  • # template for labels that you will use repeatedly.
  • ETSpeaks
  • AllowSeekTOF
  • PageWrap
  • LabellerROM
  • ETCAllowEscapeCodes
  • Driver = "Emb_EnablingEmbosserDriver"
  • MaximumCells = 24
  • MaximumLines = 27
  • Encoding = "display.cpt". "North American English"
  • Encoding = "display.cpt". "French"
  • Encoding = "display.cpt". "German"
  • Encoding = "display.cpt". "Spanish"
  • HelpPage = "Enabling_Romeo_Pro_LE_Narrow.htm"
  • # 0.500 inch labels: 18.0e
  • Form "0.50 inch label" = 110 x 0 ; SinglePage ; 24 x 1 ; 24 x 1
  • # 0.750 inch labels: 18.1e
  • Form "0.75 inch label" = 110 x 10 ; SinglePage ; 24 x 1 ; 24 x 1
  • # 1.000 inch labels: 18.2e
  • Form "1.00 inch label" = 110 x 20 ; SinglePage ; 24 x 2 ; 24 x 2
  • # 1.250 inch labels: 18.3e
  • Form "1.25 inch label" = 110 x 30 ; SinglePage ; 24 x 3 ; 24 x 2
  • # 1.500 inch labels: 18.4e
  • Form "1.50 inch label" = 110 x 40 ; SinglePage ; 24 x 3 ; 24 x 3
  • # 1.750 inch labels: 18.5e
  • Form "1.75 inch label" = 110 x 50 ; SinglePage ; 24 x 4 ; 24 x 4
  • # 2.000 inch labels: 18.6e
  • Form "2.00 inch label" = 110 x 60 ; SinglePage ; 24 x 5 ; 24 x 4
  • # 2.250 inch labels: 18.7e
  • Form "2.25 inch label" = 110 x 70 ; SinglePage ; 24 x 5 ; 24 x 5
  • # 2.500 inch labels: 18.8e
  • Form "2.50 inch label" = 110 x 80 ; SinglePage ; 24 x 6 ; 24 x 5
  • # 2.750 inch labels: 18.9e
  • Form "2.75 inch label" = 110 x 90 ; SinglePage ; 24 x 6 ; 24 x 6
  • # 3.000 inch labels: 18.10e
  • Form "3.00 inch label" = 110 x 100 ; SinglePage ; 24 x 7 ; 24 x 7
  • # 3.250 inch labels: 18.11e
  • Form "3.25 inch label" = 110 x 110 ; SinglePage ; 24 x 8 ; 24 x 7
  • # 3.500 inch labels: 18.12e
  • Form "3.50 inch label" = 110 x 120 ; SinglePage ; 24 x 8 ; 24 x 8
  • # 3.750 inch labels: 18.13e
  • Form "3.75 inch label" = 110 x 130 ; SinglePage ; 24 x 9 ; 24 x 9
  • # 4.000 inch labels: 18.14e
  • Form "4.00 inch label" = 110 x 140 ; SinglePage ; 24 x 10 ; 24 x 9