Cast of Characters
The Slave Formerly Known as Jane Foreman
This page describes the characters found in one of two books published in the year 2073. Click here
to learn more about these works of fiction. The books can be downloaded in a variety of formats at no cost.
Chapter 1: A Busy Summer
- Jane Foreman-- the protagonist
- Deb Coulter – Jane's best friend
- Jane's immediate family – parents Robert and Ruth Foreman, brothers, Bill and James
- “close friends” – Deb Coulter, Becky Roberts, Cathy Jackson, Rose Chang, and Sarah Cohen
- Charles Mitchell – a wealthy man
- Danny Hughes-- Mr. Mitchell's house slave
- Sally Hughes-- Danny's mother, also Mr. Mitchell's house slave
- Roger Hughes-- Danny's father, also Mr. Mitchell's house slave
- Karen Fields and Zach Perez – two more friends that form “the gang of eight.”
- Emily Johnson – the name of the summer school teacher (a pseudonym)
- Mrs. Blair – the senior English teacher
Chapter 2: Sophomore Year
- Mr. Christopher – an administrator that tries to keep Jane from attending school
- Mrs. Scheckner – the sophomore English teacher
- Alex Cherrystone – a student that tangled with Jane and Deb in the cafeteria
- Peter Anderson and William Farjani – the two students that change the “gang of eight” to the “gang of ten.”
- Emily Mitchell – the niece of Mr. Mitchell, and the true identity of “Emily Johnson.”
- Carol Nguyen and Kathy Hoang-- two students who switch from opposition to the gang of ten to cooperation
- “six students” – a reference to a group of students determined to “take down the gang of ten.”
Chapter 3: Junior Year
- “eight teachers” – teachers caught up in the bribery scandal
- Fred Crocker-- a member of the “six students” who became Deb's boyfriend
- Stephen Ratte – a member of the “six students” who cheated on a test
- Mrs. Johnson – the algebra teacher
Chapter 4: Senior Year
- Lin family – first bidder (daughter is Ann Lin)
- McNamara family – second bidder (son is Daryl NcNamara)
- Hassan family – third bidder (son is Amir Hassan)
- Professor Johnson – statistics professor who help test Jane
- Roger Carter family – fourth bidder (nephew is Mike; Roger is a wealthy software guru)
- Harrison family – fifth bidder (daughter is Jane Harrison)
Chapter 5: A New Life in College
- Pamela Hassan – Amir's Mother
- Yassir Hassan – Amir's Father
- Mo Hassan – Amir's uncle
- Fred Hassan – Amir's uncle
Chapter 6: A Wedding brings a New Future
(no new characters introduced)
Chapter 7: Jane Declares a New Epoch
- Brenda and David Coulter-Jackson – two babies for Deb and Cathy
Chapter 8: The Desire to Know the Enemy
- Julie Hildebrandt, Roger Carter, James Chu, Lillian Min, and Fred Smith – members of the Supreme Council in Sunnyvale CA
Chapter 9: A History is Revealed
- Deepshikha – a slave at Roger Carter's House
- Samantha – a slave at Roger Carter's House
- Lucy Ling – a slave at Roger Carter's House
Chapter 10: Days of Preparation
- Fred Blair – a lawyer from Sunnyvale California
Chapter 11: Years of Preparation
- Cynthia McCarthy and Paul Hanna – hired doubles for Jane and Amir
Chapter 12: Flipping the Switch
- Mary Davis – briefly chats with Jane at a restaurant
- Lisa and Ralph – journalists at the press conference
Chapter 13: The Aftermath
- Rose Cynthia Foreman – Jane and Amir's daughter
- 2034 – The birth of Jane Foreman
- 2049 – Fall of the Sophomore year of high school
- 2052 – Jane and her friends graduate from high school
- 2055 – Jane and Amir get married; Jane travels to Sunnyvale
- 2056 – Jane's friends graduate from college; many weddings
- 2059 – Murder in Jane and Amir's house
- 2061 – The product rollout
- 2062 – The Second Constitutional Convention
- 2072 – The death of Julie Hildebrandt
- 2073 – The year the book's Afterword was written
- Chapter 1 – Warren Ohio
- Chapter 2 – Warren Ohio
- Chapter 3 – Warren Ohio
- Chapter 4 – Warren Ohio
- Chapter 5 – Atlanta Georgia
- Chapter 6 – Atlanta Georgia and Warren, Ohio
- Chapter 7 – Warren Ohio
- Chapter 8 – Warren Ohio, Louisville Kentucky, and Sunnyvale California
- Chapter 9 – Sunnyvale California
- Chapter 10 – Warren Ohio
- Chapter 11 – Atlanta Georgia, Indianapolis Indiana, Warren Ohio, St Louis Missouri and Kansas City, Kansas
- Chapter 12 – Warren Ohio, Atlanta Georgia and Cleveland Ohio
- Chapter 13 – Philadelphia Pennsylvania and Warren Ohio
where some of the ideas come from