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© 1991-2007 by Steven Weyhrich


Books: "Apple II BASIC Programmer's Reference Manual"

This version of the Applesoft reference manual was released with the Apple IIe. It gave many programming examples, and went into detail on the use of each command in the Applesoft language. It did perpetuate an error, however, about reserved keywords in the language. In addition to HPLOT, a command called "XPLOT" was listed as a "reserved" keyword that a programmer should not use as a variable name in BASIC programs. Apple had possibly planned on adding extensions to the language to include an XPLOT function (XPLOT would be to HPLOT as XDRAW was to DRAW), but never actually carried out those plans.

Apple II BASIC Programmer's Reference Manual
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© 1991-2007 by Steven Weyhrich  Creative Commons License
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