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© 1991-2007 by Steven Weyhrich

Where Are They Now?
bullet 16 Dec 02

Bob Bishop

AppleVision screenshotOn the old Apple DOS 3.2 disks was a cool Integer BASIC program called "APPLE-VISION". In hi-res graphics, it drew a room with a TV, and after the picture was complete, the man on the screen danced to the song "Turkey In The Straw". It was amazing to see what that 4K Apple II was capable of doing! Released originally by SoftTape and later included by Apple on their DOS disks, APPLE-VISION used a shape table to animate the dancing man and a tone-generator subroutine to play the music.

Bob has written other programs over the years, and has been involved in many other interesting activities. You can view his personal web site by clicking here, where he outlines events of his life, from the purchase of his first Apple-1 up to the present. He also has a list of software he has written on this page.

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© 1991-2007 by Steven Weyhrich  Creative Commons License
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