The Braille Math System for German Braille

After the decisions from Nov. 30, 2013 in Basel

Published by Braille Writing Committee of the German speaking countries BSKDL Subcommittee Mathematics Typeface

The Braille Math System for German Braille

This system appears in black and braille. Your unchanged, complete duplication to private, non- commercial purposes is desired. The title page is Part of the copyright.

Editorial staff:

Petra Aldridge, Zurich
Vivian Aldridge, Basel
Günther Kappel, Marburg
Yvonne Samland, Leipzig

Print and Braille Production

Vivian Aldridge

1st edition 2015
(c) Braille Writing Committee of the German speaking countries BSKDL
ISBN 978-3-033-04964-2


This set of rules was thanks to generous financial Contributions by the following foundations:

We thank you for your professional support: Brigitte Betz, Marburg Reiner Herrmann, Hanover

Members of the Subcommittee Mathematics Writing of the BSKDL

Petra Aldridge, Zurich
-- SBS Swiss Library for the Blind, Sight and Print disabled
Vivian Aldridge, Basel
-- Sehbehindertenhilfe Basel - SBH
-- Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired - VBS
Marlies Bochsler, Zurich
-- SBS Swiss Library for the Blind, Sight and Print disabled
Richard Heuer gen. Hallmann, Hagen
-- Workspace Audio Media of the Fern Universität in Hagen
-- Chairman of the BSKDL
Günther Kappel, Marburg
-- German Blindenstudienanstalt e. V., Marburg - blista
Günther Koos, Marburg
-- Carl Strehl School of the German School for the Blind
-- e. V., Marburg - blista
Ernst-Dietrich Lorenz, Hanover
-- German Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired Study and job e. V. - DVBS
Tina Lorig, Düren
-- LVR Louis Braille School Düren, Media Center
Yvonne Samland, Leipzig
-- German Central Library for the Blind at Leipzig (DZB)
Erich Schmid, Vienna
-- Federal Institute for the Blind - BBI
-- Blind and Visually Impaired Association Austria

Table of Contents

Click here for the English and the German Table of Contents


This set of rules is the result of a major overhaul of the German braille mathematics paper since the the International Mathematical Writing for the Blind. This was in the 1920s by representatives of some Countries worked out and made sure that the essential Elements - symbols as well as presentation techniques - one show of extensive international unity.

Traces of this unity are almost a century old later still recognizable. Even if the Chinese Braille is expected to be quite different than the Germans, become connoisseurs of the German Braille Mathematics. You should see the similarity while looking at the Chinese as familiar braille.


The Braille is continuously changing and new needs Adapted to challenges. Often the scriptures are for individual languages developed independently - and with them the respective math fonts. In the course of These developments took the place of international ones Similarities increasingly independent of each other, independent mathematics writings.

In the German-speaking area was from the 1950s, a Revision and in a new set of rules recorded (1955, 2nd edition 1986). Over time, However, there were regional variants. This is how the Notations in the FRG and in Austria, in the GDR and in the Switzerland apart. To the math font for this Standardize the language area again and thus exchangeability of mathematical literature. In 2006, the Braille Writing Committee of the German-speaking countries formed a sub-commission.

Compactness versus context independence

Traditionally, many Braille signs have been used in mathematics writing values or meanings other than those in the text. A reinterpretation of the 64 possible Braille characters allows one very compact - and therefore clear - representation of the mathematical notation. This with the compromise that the Braille signs are only then clear if they are clearly the Mathematics or text font can be assigned.

In contrast, a paradigm shift in sel instead. Through the representation of mathematical symbols by longer combinations of Braille characters they are both in general as well as in mathematical contexts. However, the compactness of the playback is lost. The present math journal retains the separation into textual and Mathematics for the sake of brevity and clarity of the presentation. However, approximations were possible textual text can be achieved, for example in the mark- capitalization.


The Braille Math System for German Braille is divided into two parts.

This first part describes the rules for reproduction mathematical facts in Braille. basics Innovations are under construction. Guide character lists the respective chapters or sections. Numerous examples clarify the implementation of the rules. A glossary clarifies spe- zifische terms of Braille. Notes on written In this way, teachers will have access to to facilitate practical work with Braille.

Interesting is the additional presentation of examples in Be LaTeX. One important concern is the accuracy of the to review its own interpretation of Braille examples can. For those who see, the black lettering stands for that to disposal. With the LaTeX display, the touch Reading also offered a way to control.

A fundamental innovation concerns the possibility of communication between the various reader groups. It Care was taken that the medial different Issues such as Braille and black print used in parallel can be. The examples are numbered and the text was designed so that the design in Braille and Blackletter is essentially the same.

The second part is a relief band in which both the tactical len Schwarzbriefymbole as well as the Braille corrections all mathematical symbols from the rules are guided. This is the communication between blind, visually impaired and sighted.

On the website of the Braille Writing Committee of the German-speaking Other countries (BSKDL) can be viewed as examples and be supplemented (

The substantive changes to the text are given in the appendix A2 Changes in mathematics writing "summarized. This policy is not intended as a textbook. For the blind and sighted teachers, transcribers and readers of the Braille is said to guide these principles Braille (see "System of the German Braille") especially in the field of mathematics. So it's building on the basic rules and presupposes its knowledge.

Basel, January 2015

On behalf of the Subcommittee Mathematics of the Braille Writing Committee of the German speaking countries The editorial team

The Numbering of Examples


This set of rules is published in braille and black given. A fine outline with decimal classification serves Orientation in the factory and facilitates communication at work with the various media output forms. The numbering of the examples reflects this structure contrary.

Introducing basic techniques and hints to put mathematics in Braille is explained in chapter 1. Chapters 2 to 11 guide the individual elements the notation and its use. Finally, focus Chapters 12 to 15 on selected areas of mathematics. Attachments will be suggestions for working with written Calculation given the changes and innovations this revision of maths writing listed and Braille-specific terms explained in a glossary. For a quick search are a list of all treated Braille signs and a subject index are available.

The individual topics are structured as follows:

Each example appears in two or three representations:

An exception are the examples in "Appendix A1 Written Calculation method over several lines ", which only in Braille appear. Here, in addition to implementation and design the practical work with the Braille in the Foreground.

In a second part relief depictions are to blind Reading mathematical blackletter symbols experienced make and facilitate communication with others.

The Braille Writing Committee of the German-speaking countries stops its website ( a subpage on the Braille math script for downloading documents and collecting examples. Interested parties are to contribute to the expansion of the sample collection.


As a possibility of comparing Braille with a second illustration was for tactile readers who are not on the visual representation, a LaTeX version of each example.

Notation chosen.

It can not be assumed that all tactile readers Know LaTeX. And yet it has been shown that already with few LaTeX skills, for example, can be detected can determine whether a character is still contained in an exponent or not. And it is precisely these uncertainties, if possible to minimize when studying the examples.

For the sake of clarity, the LaTeX representation exists Original LaTeX and not one of the simplified variants, which is increasingly being used as a kind of blind mathematics typeface be used. On the other hand, no great care to write them in such a way that a LaTeX Compiler to produce aesthetically correct inkprint from it could.

To facilitate the reading of the LaTeX expressions, was for chosen this 8-dot Braille. For quick reference used LaTeX keywords, a list of available on This policy as well the listing is not suitable for learning LaTeX.