Das System der Mathematikschrift in der Deutschen Brailleschrift (2013)

The Braille Math System for German Braille

Notes for Caryn and other undone things

        English text on the German Code

English Table of Contents

The Links take you to the English Language html files

English Text (without the Examples)pdf of the ExamplesTeX of the ExamplesBraille of the Examples
Preliminary Pages
1 Basic Techniques for Transmission of mathematics Examples (pdf)Example_(TeX)Braille
2 Digits and numbers Examples (pdf)Example_(TeX)Braille
3 Letters and punctuation Examples (pdf)Example_(TeX)Braille
4 Units Examples (pdf)Example_(TeX)Braille
5 Operation and relation signs Examples (pdf)Example_(TeX)Braille
6 Brackets and vertical lines Examples (pdf)Example_(TeX)Braille
7 Arrows Examples (pdf)Example_(TeX)Braille
8 Modified Characters and Modified Expressions Examples (pdf)Example_(TeX)Braille
9 Fractions Examples (pdf)Example_(TeX)Braille
10 Roots and exponents Examples (pdf)Example_(TeX)Braille
11 Analysis Examples (pdf)Example_(TeX)Braille
12 Set theory Examples (pdf)Example_(TeX)Braille
13 Logic Examples (pdf)Example_(TeX)Braille
14 Geometry, Trigonometry and Vectors Examples (pdf)Example_(TeX)Braille
15 Placeholders and horizontal Summaries

        German text on the German Code

German Table of Contents

The Links take you into the German Language pdf

SectionInkprint Page
Compactness versus context independence6
To use this code8
1 Basic Techniques for Transmission of mathematics10
1.1 Change between text and math fonts10
1.1.1 Layout10
1.1.2 Approval and termination signs for Mathematics writing14
1.1.3 Announcement and cancellation signs for text typeface16
1.1.4 Double Landing Technique17
1.1.5 Notes on the use of Correspondence techniques20
1.2 separating and holding together mathematical Expressions21
1.3 Notes on Braille transmission23
2 digits and numbers24
2.1 Arabic numerals and numbers24
2.1.1 Numbers in standard notation24
2.1.2 Numbers in reduced notation26
2.1.3 Decimal fractions28
2.1.4 Periodic decimal fractions29
2.1.5 Outline of long numbers30
2.1.6 Ordinal numbers, decimal classifiers, data and times32
2.2 Roman numerals34
3 letters and punctuation36
3.1 Preliminary note on the labeling of Letters36
3.2 Uppercase and lowercase Latin Letters36
3.3 Greek letters39
3.4 Special typographic forms43
3.5 Letter-like symbols46
3.6 Shortcut icons48
3.7 punctuation marks50
3.8 Text in mathematics writing50
4 units52
4.1 Identification of unit symbols52
4.2 percent, per thousand53
4.3 Angle and temperature measurements53
4.4 Unit symbols of letters54
4.5 Enlargement and Reduction Prefixes57
4.6 Currency Symbols58
5 operation and relation signs61
6 brackets and vertical lines68
6.1 General information on parentheses69
6.2 Simple parentheses69
6.3 Special braille clips71
6.4 Multi-line parentheses73
6.5 Vertical lines77
6.6 Text Clips in Mathematics79
7 arrows81
7.1 Modular arrows81
7.2 Defined arrows85
7.3 Labeling of arrows86
8 Modified Characters and Modified Expressions88
8.1 Modified Characters90
8.2 Modified Expressions93
9 Fractions96
9.1 Numeric Fractions and Mixed Numbers96
9.2 Simplified Fractions98
9.3 Full Fraction Notation99
9.4 Fractions of Fractions103
10 Roots and exponents105
10.1 Simple Powers106
10.2 Complex Powers108
10.3 Indices and Exponents109
10.3.1 Back indices and exponents110
10.3.2 Front indices114
10.3.3 Indices of integers116
10.4 Roots and additives117
11 Analysis119
11.1 Functions120
11.2 Logarithmic and Exponential Functions121
11.3 Integral and differential calculus123
12 Set theory126
13 Logic129
14 Geometry, Trigonometry and Vectors130
14.1 Geometric Symbols130
14.2 Angular and hyperbolic functions and reversals131
14.3 Vectors134
15 placeholders and horizontal Summaries138
15.1 Placeholder138
15.2 Horizontal summaries and horizontal Brackets139
A1 written calculation methods over several Lines143
A1.1 Addition144
A1.2 Subtraction146
A1.3 Multiplication147
A1.4 Division148
A1.5 Linear Addition149
A1.6 Solving Equations150
A2 Changes in mathematics writing152
A2.1 Changed symbols152
A2.2 New symbols153
A2.3 Numbers154
A2.4 Exponents and indices154
A2.5 fractions155
A2.6 letters155
A2.7 Brackets and vertical bars155
A2.8 units156
A2.9 Arrows156
A2.10 Projective Engineering156
A2.11 Change between text and math script157
A2.12 Miscellaneous157
A3 Glossary159
A4 mathematical signs ordered by the 6-point Braille table163
A5 Alphabetical index187

Link take you into the raw German txt file

SectionInkprint Page
Entire text --

        English text on the Russian Code

Contents of the Russian Braille Math Code

Preface to the Inkprint Editionpage 5
Preface to the Braille Editionpage 11
Premininaty Notes to the Braille Editionpage 18


§Page #
1General symbols and rulespage 20
2Numberspage 24
Arabic numeralspage 24
Roman numeralspage 26
3Symbols of operations, equations amd non-equationspage 27
4Letters and key symbolspage 32
Features of alphabetspage 32
Features of typespage 43
Key symbolspage 47
Unusually printed letters and letters as special symbolspage 48
5Units of Measurementpage 50
6Bracketspage 55
7Absolute value, Modulo, Normpage 63
8Fractionspage 65
Common fractionspage 65
Decimal fractionspage 66
Arithmetical fractions and designation of the beginning and the end of a fractionpage 66
Per cent and per millepage 70
Algebraic fractionspage 70
9Powers and rootspage 75
10Indices and markspage 84
Indicespage 84
Markspage 91
11Theory of Setspage 99
12Complex numberspage 103
13Logarithymspage 108
14Progressionspage 110
15Sums and Productspage 111
16Geometrypage 115
Elementary geometrypage 115
Higher geometrypage 118
17Trigonometrypage 121
18Mathematical analysispage 126
19Special fuctionspage 150
20Matrixes and determinatespage 157
21Vector and tewnsor calculuspage 182

§Page #
22Theory of numbers, continued fractionspage 197
23Theory of setspage 201
24Mathematical logic and theory of algorithspage 206
25Calculus of probabilitiespage 228
26Common algebrapage 237
27Theory of graphspage 243
28Arrows and combination symbolspage 252
Arrowspage 252
29Computer languaguespage 261