Beaver Tracks
Straddle: 15 - 20 cm (6 - 8 in)
Stride: 10 - 15 cm (4 - 6 in)
Front Track: 8 cm (3.2 in) long, 7 cm (2.8 in) wide
Rear Track: 15 cm (5 in) long, 12 cm (4.8 in) wide

A perfect beaver track is rare as the tail drags and will often cover the print. The hind foot is large, triangular-shaped, webbed and has five toes. The forefoot is much smaller with five toes although all are seldom evident. During the winter the beaver's trail is often mistaken for that of a porcupine or otter because of the trough created by the beaver's trail. A closer examination of the track will generally show a portion of a print. [from]

beavers don’t make much sound. The young can make sounds that resemble a duck quacking. They also whine and make several other noises. Adults sometimes grunt while working, but are generally silent. One sound beavers are well-known for making is the tail slap. To warn other beavers of danger, the tail will be brought down flat against the water to make a loud slapping sound. [from]

Replay audio of beaver tail splash recorded by John Piekos.