Tax Assessments
3 Broadway
- Filter Kleen Mfg Co. 692-5137 (liquid filters)

27 Broadway
- Parents Market. 692-6711
37 Broadway
- Rolling Meadow Construction. 692-8884
This was the location of the Westford Hardware Store until 2000. It was built as a grange
hall and served later as a Red & White grocery store in the 1950s.
54 Broadway
- Westford Recreation Department (old fire station)
67 Broadway

- Click here for photos of the Chris Franklin Industrial Area
- All State Roofing. 392-3600
- Bruce Sanders Design and Illustration. 692-9800 (Bruce
Sanders also runs the Kung Fu studio)
- D&B Home Improvement. 589-9585
- Great Road Woodworkers. 392-2120
- Printing Solutions (production, front office is 6 Carlise
- Prime Electrical Services. 692-7686 (also uses locked shed
behind the condos on Fourth Street).
Truck parked on Beacon Street.
69 Broadway
70 Broadway
- Abbian Inc. 692-4393
- Raymond J Wauford, Lawyer.
- Abbian. 692-4303
- Baystate
Financial Services. 692-1200 (website does not show an office in
- eNilsson. 405-2544
(marketing services)
- Wellmen Associates. 589-9870