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© 1991-2007 by Steven Weyhrich


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    APPLE BASIC is an integer BASIC supplied in 6k bytes of ROM and includes the following features (in addition to normal basic features):

  • APPLE BASIC is a fast translated BASIC.
  • Any length variable names (ALPHA, BETA$).
  • Syntax and range errors indicated immediately when line is entered.
  • Multiple statements on one line.
  • Integers from -32767 to +32767.
  • String arrays to 255 characters.
  • Single dimension integer arrays.
  • GRAPHICS COMMANDS: COLOR=expr, PLOT, HLIN (draw horizontal line), VLIN, SCRN (x,y) (reads the screen color).
  • Paddle read function: PDL (0-3).
  • TEXT and GRaphics commands set display mode from BASIC.
  • Immediate execution of most statements
  • Memory boundary adjust commands (does not destroy current program).
  • Break and Continue program execution.
  • Debug commands: line number trace and variable trace (DSP APPLE).
  • Switchable I/O device assignments using APPLE ROM-based peripherals.
  • Direct memory access: PEEK, POKE, CALL commands.
  • Cassette SAVE & LOAD commands.
  • Auto line number mode.
  • RND, SGN, ASC, LEN and ABS functions.
  • POP instruction pops the return stack one level.
  • GOTO expr, GOSUB expr allowed.


   The system monitor is supplied in ROM and enables the user to enter, examine, debug and run assembly language programs. It also contains very useful screen control routines, the cassette routines, a dis-assembler and other debug aids.Since it is supplied in ROM, it is immediately available when the computer is turned on and cannot be inadvertently clobbered.

  • 2k byte ROM monitor.
  • Screen control (intelligent display routines).
  • Full cursor control.
  • Scrolling window adjustable (protected screen feature).
  • Inverse/Normal video selection.
  • Versatile memory store/examine commands.
  • Read/Write cassette routines.
  • Dis-assembler.
  • Mini-assembler.
  • Software simulated single-step and trace modes.
  • Breakpoint handling.
  • Register examine/modify.
  • Input/Output device assignment.
  • Hex add/subtract for relative branch calculations.
  • Editing on keyboard entry.
  • Direct calls to BASIC.
  • Floating point package.
  • Software simulated 16-bit processor.


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