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© 1991-2007 by Steven Weyhrich


Advertisements: "Apple II Flyer"

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    We expect a sizeable backlog of orders almost immediately after APPLE-II is nationally announced in April. This advance offer is extended to allow you to order an Apple-II from the first production run, thus be guaranteed delivery by April 30, 1977. The terms of the advance order are as follows:

  1. All orders will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis regardless of quantity.
  2. A deposit of one-third (1/3) of the total dollar amount ordered will be required and must accompany the order, the balance due on delivery.
  3. All California residents must add 6 1/2% sales tax on retail orders.
  4. Apple will pay all shipping (UPS) and order handling charges.
  5. Delivery is guaranteed on or before April 30, 1977.

The only other items required to start using your APPLE-II are:

  • An ASCII encoded keyboard.
  • A video monitor (or home TV with RF modulator).
  • A power supply:
    5v @ 2A
    12v @ 1.5A
    -5v @ .5A
    -12v @ .5A

    (These current requirement will supply a totally loaded Apple-II with 8 peripheral boards!)

  • Case (optional)
All four items above will be avaialble from Apple in April. Check with us for prices.


APPLE-II board, completely assembled  
& tested with 4k bytes RAM $600.00
Additional RAM: each 4k bytes $125.00
  each 16k bytes $600.00

APPLE-II prices with all memory options are:

  Column A Column B
    Price including
6 1/2% sales tax
Bytes RAM Price residents only

4k $  600.00 $  639.00  
8k 725.00 772.12  
12k 850.00 905.25  
16k 1,075.00 1,144.87  
20k 1,200.00 1,278.00  
24k 1,325.00 1,411.12  
32k 1,675.00 1,783.87  
36k 1,800.00 1,971.00  
48k 2,275.00 2,422.87  

Get on the List
     Quantity                Memory          Price each*            Price x Quantity
  1. ______ Apple-II(s) with _____ k RAM at $ _______ each. Total = $ __________

  2. ______ Apple-II(s) with _____ k RAM at $ _______ each. Total = $ __________

  3. ______ Apple-II(s) with _____ k RAM at $ _______ each. Total = $ __________

                                             4. SUBTOTAL            $ __________

                                             5. 1/3 advance payment $ __________
                                             6. BALANCE DUE         $ __________

                                                   (subtract item 5 from
                                                   item 4)
*California residents must include 6 1/2% sales tax on retail sales and should use prices from column B in the price list (which already include 6 1/2% sales tax).
Orders from all other states should use prices from column A.

  Name ___________________________________________________________________________

  Street _________________________________________________________________________

  City ________________________________________ State ______________ Zip _________

  Date __________________________________________________ Amount enclosed $ ______

  Signed _________________________________________________________________________

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© 1991-2007 by Steven Weyhrich  Creative Commons License
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