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© 1991-2007 by Steven Weyhrich

Updated bullet 1 May 03

Miscellaneous: "Apple Quest game"

Susan Espinosa worked at Apple from 1980-1991, and was involved with the User Education Group (which was responsible for the manuals and in-box training that went into Apple IIe, IIc, III, and Macintosh). In 1984, the year the Apple IIc was released (and also that Macintosh thing), she helped create a game to educate Apple sales on the Apple II family. This was offered for sale in September 2002 on eBay, and although I did not get the winning bid, Susan graciously allowed me to reproduce the pictures here.

Apple Quest game

Here is the information that she presented for the eBay listing:

This limited edition of Apple Quest was designed in 1984 at Apple as a training tool for new Apple Sales people on the Apple // family. It is Copyright 1984 Apple Computer, Inc.

A TRIVIAL PURSUIT variation with questions that cover Hardware, Software, Marketing, and History. All cards have both the question and the answer. Comes complete with original instructions, die, and tokens in the shape of animals.

Our group at Apple designed and presented this game as part of the SWAT training in the summer of 1984. We had to come up with something interesting to get the information to the new sales force since they were all jazzed about the Macintosh and not too interested in the "other" product line. I don't remember exactly, but I'd guess less than 10 of these games were made.

A sample of the questions, this is my personal favorite!

Q. Name two reasons a home consumer would choose an Apple //c over a Macintosh:

A. Your answers must be close to these:

  • The //c is half the price of a Mac.
  • Kids have Apple //'s in school.
  • More software is available for the Apple // than is currently available for the Mac.
  • The Apple //c has color graphics capability.

The game board measures 23 x 16 .5 inches and is laminated. I didn't count the question cards but over 300, maybe more. You could almost write a book with this information. Yes, we did our best to validate the answers.

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Pictures courtesy of Susan Espinosa

© 1991-2007 by Steven Weyhrich  Creative Commons License
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