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© 1991-2007 by Steven Weyhrich


Peripherals: "Echo Speech Synthesizer"

The Echo was an early speech and sound producing peripheral. Usually, this type of device was controlled by sending it "phonemes", which were phrases that represented a particular sound. To get it to "talk", you would type PR#s, where "s" represented the slot where the card was located, and then used the Applesoft PRINT command to send strings of characters to the device, which would then be able to "speak" the phrases sent to it as fairly intelligible speech. For an example of how it might sound, rent the movie "Wargames" starring a very young Matthew Broderick, and listen to the speech synthesizer he had on his Imsai-type of computer.

Echo Speech Synthesizer
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© 1991-2007 by Steven Weyhrich  Creative Commons License
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