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© 1991-2007 by Steven Weyhrich

They're Running Our Code
© 1993 Steven Weyhrich

(Sung to the tune of "Hey Baby (They're Playing Our Song)" by The Buckingham's)

(This song parody is dedicated to Randy Brandt and Mark Munz, who managed to emulate AppleWorks 5.1 (the original Apple II version, not the current renamed ClarisWorks) on the Macintosh, and to any other enterprising programmers out there who work to make old classics have new life on new platforms...)

Hey, baby, it's running my code!
The program that I wrote
When I wasn't quite so old
Hey, baby, it's running my code!
Let's go back to Apple
It's where we belong

It's the one with that clever subroutine
It's the one that made a lotta bucks for me
It made me feel so groovy
It was as co-ol
As a QuickTime movie!

Hey, baby, it's running my code!
The program that I wrote
When I wasn't quite so old
Hey, baby, it's running my code!
Let's go back to Apple
It's where we belong

Pleasant memories are comin' back to me
Can't you remember the way it used to be?

If I forgot to file it
Then I would have
To just go recompile it!

Hey baby! Hey baby!
It's running my code!
Hey baby! Hey baby!
It's running my code!


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© 1991-2007 by Steven Weyhrich  Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.