Westford Conservation Trust
New England GreenStart
Through its GreenStart program, Mass Energy Consumer Alliance,
a nonprofit energy supply company, supplies electrical energy which
is generated from renewable power sources. To learn more, see page
1 of the Spring newsletter
or go to www.massenergy.com.
Living With beavers
A recent presentation
titled “Coping with beavers” was given by Mike Callahan
of Beaver Solutions, an organization that has dealt with hundreds
of beaver management situations since 1998. Read about the presentation
on page 2 of the Spring
newsletter or go to www.beaversolutions.com
for more info. |
for a challenge?
How much do you know
about beavers? Try a beaver crossword
or buzzword
puzzle. |
Trail Stewards Needed
We currently have need of a steward for the Lakeside Meadows trail.
If you are interested in this or any other particular trail, helping
with trail work in general, or would like more information, please
us. Monthly Meetings
Please join us for our monthly meetings.
All members and other interested individuals are invited to attend
the Westford Conservation Trust monthly meetings. |
What's new? 
Read our latest newsletter
in full
color. Or catch up on back issues.
to the sound
of the Eastern Bluebird.

Audio by
Cornell Lab of Ornithology.