∑ Mathematics Menu

This is a public webpage of a private resource from Duxbury Systems. Duxbury Systems is making this information public to help the world know more about braille. We are not making public certain resources which allow the direct generation of braille since these contain our intellectual property.

We hope this increases your confidence in DBT, which is available for Windows and Mac. Feel free to e-mail us at languages@duxsys.com with additional resources not present here. Duxbury System, of course, offers no guarantee that this list is complete or up-to-date.

DBT Supported Braille Mathematics Codes

(toc means an html hand constructed table of contents, pdf toc means the pdf has a English table of contents with hyperlinks)

NationBraille Code Name(s)Current Manual(s)Other Nations
FranceNotation Mathématique BrailleFrench Manual || tocBelgium*, Haiti
GermanyMathematiks für Blinde (Marburg)Marburg math code (with toc and notes)Austria, Belgium*, Macedonia, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway
GreeceΕπιοτημονικά σύμβολα κατά BRAILLE στονNemeth code for Greece || scanned version || toc
Portugal ***Código Matemático Unificado para a Língua Portuguesa, 2006Portuguese Braille Math 2006 || tocSpanish and Portuguese Speaking Nations
RussiaA System of Braille Notation of Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy and Chemistry -- 1975volume 1 (with pdf toc) || volume 2 (with pdf toc)Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia
Saudi ArabiaDeveloped Arabic Braille System 20022002 Braille Code (pages 33-80)Almost all Arabic Speaking countries
Spain ***Código Matemático Unificado, 1988Book 1 || Book 2 || Book 3Spanish and Portuguese Speaking Nations
United KingdomUEB MathGuidelines for Technical Material 2014Australia, Canada, New Zealand. Nigeria South Afrtica, United States*
United Kingdom**Braille Mathematics Notationpre-UEB British Braille Math CodeBahrain, Ghana, Hong Kong. Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, Zambia
United States*Nemeth CodeNemeth Braille Code for Mathematics and Science notation, 1972 || tocCarribean, India, south-east asia, Israel, Liberia

* United States uses both UEB and Nemeth; Belgium uses both French and German math codes.
** pre-UEB math code no longer used in the United Kingdom, but used in other nations.
*** Spanish and Portuguese math systems have been unified

Math Braille Mathematics Codes (not supported by DBT)

NationBraille Code Name(s)Current Manual(s)
ChinaChinese Braille Notations(we think this is just like Russian math braille)
DenmarkUse raw Latex(no manual needed)
EstoniaHandbook of Estonian Braille, 2011Estonian Braille || toc
FinlandMatematiikan, fysiikan ja kemian pistemerkinnätFinland Braille Manual || toc
Israel‏מתמטִיקה בּבּראיל - רבקה רוֹזנצויג‎ - 2001 Hebrew || English
ItalyCodice Braille Matematico - 2003Italian Math Code
JapanExplanation of Braille Mathematics Symbols - 1981(Japan Braille Committee; books for sale)
Korea (South)Mathematics Code for KoreaMath Braille || toc
NetherlandsHandleiding Vlaamse Wiskundecode en Wiskunde Braille 2012-2013Woluwe Braille and Decicode || toc
NorwayNorsk standard for matematikknotasjon i 6-punkts blindeskrift, 2003 Norwegian 6-dot braille code (abbreviated)
NorwayNorsk standard for matematikknotasjon i 8-punkts blindeskrift, 2003 Norwegian 8-dot math code
PolishBrajlowska notacja matematyczna fizyczna chemiczna, 2011Polish Braille Math || toc
QuebecNemeth Code variationQuebec version of the Nemeth Code
QuebecFrench math variationQuebec French math variation
SloveniaMatematicni zapis na racunalniku za slepe, 2007
SwedenPunktskriftens skrivregler för matematik och naturvetenskapSweden math || toc
TaiwanNie Meizi Compilation of Mathematics and Science Braille Signs
TurkeyTurkish Braille Rules 1991Turkish lit and math rules
UgandaMathematics Braille Notation for Uganda(we think this is just like pre-UEB British math braille)


World Chart of Nations, Languages, DBT, and Braille Mathematics

World Chart of Nations, Languages, DBT, and Braille Mathematics


Math Codes and Abe Nemeth

Useful Articles

LaTeX Notes

Sources of Mathematics for Duxbury DBT

Scientific Notebook

Scientific Notebook is an excellent program that works as a "word processor" for mathematical notation, and generates the Latex files that DBT can import. Create and print your print or large print mathematics from Scientific Notebook. Save the file from Scientific Notebook. Then launch DBT, and open your Scientific Notebook file inside of DBT. You can translate, and out comes literary and mathematical braille. This has been working since 10.4. Under continuous improvment.

Scientific Notebook information is available at http://www.mackichan.com/index.html?products/snb.html A simplified manual for Scientific Notebook can be obtained at http://www.sciword.demon.co.uk/SNB.pdf

Equation Editor and MathType

Both Equation Editor and MathType are formula editors developed by Design Science that allows users to construct math and science equations in a WYSIWYG environment. It is an add-in or included in Microsoft Word, presentation programs (e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint), and many other products. Equation Editor is a simplified version of Design Science MathType. Mathtype information is available at http://www.dessci.com/en/products/mathtype/default.htm

If MathType is loaded on the same computer as DBT, then DBT can read math Microsoft Word files containing Equation Editor or MathType material. If MathType is not loaded on the same computer as DBT, then as DBT imports a file containing Equation Editor or MathType material, an errror message shows up in the DBT file at the location of each piece of mathematical notation in the file.

Input from Infty Project

InftyReader is OCR (optical character recognition) software to recognize printed document and PDF in scientific fields including mathematical notation and tables, and to output the results in various formats including Latex, which DBT can import. The use of InftyReader requires a high-end scanner (400 or 600 dpi). Windows Vista and Windows 7 users should check compatibility before purchase.

Infty Reader information is available at http://www.sciaccess.net/en/InftyReader/index.html